Yesterday's London Times

Hiding in City Centre: The Cheapside Hoard

May 03, 2024 Jen & Mares Episode 56

“Is it worth anything to you, guv’nor?”

It’s boots on the street in city centre as we pinball through time … from the 1600s, to 1912, to current day.  We’ll think and wonder about how unknown treasures might exist even in the heart of an urban area.

Along the way we’ll …

  • park ourselves in Cheapside, and learn of its history,
  • shine a light on the work of a group of navvies, who excavated below the streets as railroads, underground trains, and construction projects transformed the cityscape,
  • experience the thrill of uncovering a buried treasure, and gape in awe at its contents,
  • consider the ownership of found objects,
  • meet George Fabian “Stoney Jack” Lawrence, who had the right skill set for a specific period, 
  • explore theories about the hoard: Who hid it? Why didn’t they ever return for it?
  • peek into the world of modern day detectorists 

The SHOW NOTES are an absolutely must as you enjoy this episode.  You’ll see photos of the hoard, links, maps, videos, links to stories, and of course, our sources.  So much to discover. Treasures await.