Yesterday's London Times

Notorious Women: The Complicated Lives of a Duchess and a Professional Shoplifter

April 14, 2023 Jen & Mares Episode 39

The YLT time machine is cranked up and running and has once again dropped Jen and Mares in the 1960s, this time to examine two women deemed notorious by the media of the age: Margaret of Argyll and Shirley Pitts. One is remembered as an oversexed duchess and the other as a relentless thief, but upon deeper examination their lives are much more nuanced than those oversimplified descriptions would lead one to believe.

In this episode we will:

* examine the reasons for their notoriety and critique their subsequent legacies

* debate the fairness of those public legacies

* consider the role gender plays in their media portrayals

* speculate upon how their stories might have been written differently if they were unfolding today

It’s always a wild ride in the time machine, and we are so pleased to have you join us as we examine now society portrays and remembers “notorious” women.

Visit our show notes, with lots of photos and more, HERE.